stand with asian americans

A Well-Being Gathering Virtual Wellness Event and AAPI Fundraiser


WHEN: Saturday, April 24, 2021, 4-6pm PST
WHERE: Live on Zoom
COST: $15-25 suggested Donation, $5 minimum to attend


Join us for this special, experiential afternoon with 7 highly skilled women Wellness Professionals, hosted by emiko. During this 2-hour, live virtual event, we will create a safe and inclusive space for people to come together to learn a variety of techniques for self-nourishment and managing stress that are accessible and simple.

What you will experience: Energetic Clearing, EMDR Resourcing, Somatic movement for grounding, Skin Care and Gua Sha, Yoga Nidra and Sound Bath Healing. Six sessions ranging 10-20 minutes each depending on the topic. We hope you'll stay for the entire event - the schedule has been specially designed to benefit your nervous system.

Anyone can attend, best suited for adults and young adults 16+. All skill levels welcome.

This is a fundraiser in support of the AAPI (Asian American Pacific Islander) Community, with 100% of the proceeds going to Stand with Asian Americans. Help us reach our next goal of $1000 - we have a MATCHING DONOR!

Share our Facebook Event with your friends
See the schedule and learn more about each session.

Registration is Required to attend. You don't need to attend in order to donate.

Wellness for Makers Podcast: Tools for Resilience with emiko oye

Podcast Episode aired April 20, 2021 

I'm excited to be this week's guest on the Wellness for Makers Podcast with Missy Graff Ballone, talking about my wellness journey and how it has helped balance my artistic career. I've done a lot of interviews over the years, and this is the first one to weave together my passions for art and self-care. I appreciate that she uses this platform to ask me how people can support the AAPI community at this time. Plus I get to plug our upcoming Well-Being event and AAPI Fundraiser!

Missy’s podcast is not only a delight to be a guest on, but I’ve listened to most all of her guest episodes (she started it during the pandemic), which covers a wide swath of wellness - mental, physical movement and pain management, emotional, ergonomic, as well as resources for artists. Not to mention her quickie episodes sharing simple movement tips and musings.