me and SNAGnext coordinator Alaina Clarke after my presentation
It's been a month since the SNAGnext 2016 conference: An Interchange and Exchange on the Many Facets of Making a Living in the Field in Asheville, NC and it seems now like a magical dream I had and am still processing. There are few places in the world where I've felt an immediate connection, like a coming home, and Asheville found a cozy place in my heart. There are few conferences where I've felt a sense of community fostered, the atmosphere laid back, where even the coordinating team seemed at ease - and this one hit the mark, lucky for me I was a part of it!
Right out of the gate I was one of the first presenters of the conference, speaking on the topic of FINDING YOUR VOICE, my talk titled, "Are We Having Fun Yet? Using Your Authentic Voice to Ignite Your Business". I love giving biz tips to others in my field and using my enthusiasm to get people amped up! I had a small window of 15 minutes to present, so it was short, sweet and had sticking power as over the course of the conference a continuous stream of attendees connected with me to express their appreciation for my talk. "You should consider giving TEDtalks", one artist exclaimed. Huh... Maybe I should!
Let's say all of those bits of gratitude led me to record my talk with the slides, now accessible to the world on Youtube as you can experience for yourself here below. Enjoy and please share with others.