
Icons at Play: Photo Booth NYCJW20 Experience

INTERACTIVE EXPERIENCE via Instagram through Nov 21, 2020
EMIKO-O featured on Wednesday, Nov 18, 2020 via @iconsatplay Instagram

Since year is virtual for New York City Jewelry Week 2020, Icons at Play will present special, interactive photo filters via their IG account @iconsatplay each day of Jewelry Week, featuring jewelry from the Icons at Play Exhibition archives. A different artist will be featured each day. This post will be accompanied by a live link to a story filter incorporating the highlighted piece. The first 200 people to click on this link, get a *one time use* story filter for Instagram to take a selfie photo or video. We encourage participants to post their selfies and hope that through augmented reality we can interact with art jewelry in fun new ways.

This exhibition is available virtually.
You can view it exclusively through NYCJW through November 21.

Art & Savasana with emiko-o - NYCJW20 Event

This Program is part of New York City Jewelry Week 2020 “Mind Body Soul”
Art & Savasana with emiko-o: Yoga for Calming the Creative Mind

SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 2020 1:30-2:30pm PST

Experience inner calm and spaciousness firsthand in this luxurious Restorative Yoga practice led by certified Yoga Teacher and artist emiko oye. Known for her jewelry made from LEGO®, she will begin this hour-long session with a brief look into the latest jewelry from her empathic series, 2 Be Seen

You will be guided through a grounding meditation and a few simple Restorative poses with breathing techniques to bring you into ease. Wear comfortable clothing to keep you warm as you lie on the floor. All are welcome.

4-5 Blankets/Large Towels
2 Large Pillows/Cushions or Bolster
2 Hand Towels
Eye covering
Yoga Mat or carpet

RESTORATIVE YOGA is an inward and quiet practice using props to support the body in positions of comfort and ease, held low to the ground in stillness for periods of time. In this deep resting state, your nervous system comes into balance, tension in the body releases, and your brain can rest and repair. It has been shown to lower blood pressure, relieve anxiety and improve sleep. When you are rested, everything is better!

NEW YORK CITY JEWELRY WEEK is the first and only week in the United States dedicated to promoting and celebrating the world of jewelry through educational and innovative focused programming.

NYCJW welcome arts and culture enthusiasts from around the globe to explore the multifaceted jewelry industry through ground-breaking exhibitions, forward-thinking panel discussions led by industry experts, exclusive workshop visits, heritage-house and independent studio tours, innovative retail collaborations, and other unforgettable one-of-a-kind programming created by the best and brightest in the industry across the world. 

Headed into its third year, NYC Jewelry Week 2020 presents the first virtual global jewelry week featuring over 80 events across 5 digital platforms for 7 days. The 2020 programming roster will enlighten, delight and educate an eager audience of jewelry consumers and  enthusiasts. Join us November 16 – 22, 2020 for a week of jewelry programming like no other.