Exhibition Catalog for Everybody’s Bolos: Inclusion Through Craft, photos by Dasha Wright
WHERE: University North Texas
CVAD Galleries, Art Building Room 160
1201 West Mulberry St., Denton, TX 76203
EXHIBITION DATES: February 6 - May 10, 2024
OPENING RECEPTION: February 8, 2024, 5-7pm
SYMPOSIUM: February 24, 2024, 10am-6pm. FREE, REGISTER HERE
Everyone’s Bolos Exhibition is the result of a collaboration between makers from three institutions: Ana Lopez (UNT), Brian Fleetwood (faculty, the Institute of American Indian Arts, IAIA) and Hannah Toussant (MFA candidate University of Georgia).
The objectives of this exhibition are as follows:
To understand the bolo tie's history concerning marginalized groups;
To expand the audience for contemporary makers of innovative bolo ties;
To acknowledge the role Indigenous jewelry artists have played in the creation and development of the bolo tie;
To invite artist-jewelers who have not yet participated in the bolo tie community to bring their unique voices to bear on the format;
To contextualize the bolo's genderless ornamental potential for a world that is increasingly aware and accepting of the full spectrum of human gender.
On a deeper level, this is about recognizing stereotypes, exploring them, and expanding beyond their limitations through the agency and inclusivity of craft
EXHIBITING ARTISTS: Sulo Bee, Lola Brooks, Kat Cole, L M deLeon, J Taran Diamond, Bee Reid, Sean Eren, Teresa Faris, Carly Feddersen, Brian Fleetwood, Motoko Furuhashi, Jonah Hill, Sarah Holden, Chris Irick, Margaret Jacobs, Mia Kaplan, Ana m. Lopez, Vanessa B. Miller, Jillian Moore, Jerome Nakigawa, Wyatt Nestor-Pasicznyk, JJ Otero, emiko oye, Audrey Peck, Hannah Reynoso Toussaint, James Thurman, Aric Verrastro, Gret Von Cannon, Jodi Webster, Ger Xiong/Ntxawg Xyooj
page from Everybody’s Bolos Exhibition Catalogn, photos by Daisha Wright